Allyce Najimy

Allyce Najimy

Allyce Najimy

Allyce Najimy is the CEO and Executive Director of the Foundation To Be Named Later (FTBNL), which has donated over $10.5 Million in grants to more than 200 innovative, creative, effective non-profits that promote education, leadership and healthy development in Boston and Chicago.

After beginning her career as a teacher, she joined City Year as a founding staff member in 1990 and later worked as the COO for the Center for Sport in Society at Northeastern University under Dr. Richard Lapchick.

Allyce also serves as an adjunct professor in Assumption College’s MBA Program and teaches at UMASS Boston while developing their new Sport Leadership Bachelor Degree Program.

She has a Masters in Education from UMASS Boston and Bachelor in Psychology from Assumption College.

Katelyn Ohashi, Civic Leader Award

I am honored to be a Giant Steps Honoree as a civic leader. Sharing my stories of body shaming, and educating others about the damage it can do to young women in sports is detrimental. I hope I can help young people understand the importance of self-worth and to find their own voices within.