
Shut Out Trafficking

This May 2016, there were more individuals arrested, suspected, or charged in relation to human trafficking than in any other month so far in 2016. This was largely due to three major sting operations in Texas, Tennessee, and South Carolina. These resulted in the arrest of 23, 32, and more than 50 individuals respectively. It…
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Efforts to fight human trafficking expand globally and in the United States

The month of August proved to be a busy one for the fight against human trafficking. I am very pleased to share that in the month of August alone over 300 victims of human trafficking were rescued around the world, including more than 50 rescued in the US. Other statistics from the month of August…
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Growing Actions against Human Trafficking

Often times in my posts about human trafficking I stress that it takes place in the US and is not only an international problem. The month of July proved to be a very active month domestically in the fight against human trafficking. In July alone, 74 people were charged in the United States with human…
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Judgement is the Absence of Love

It is the morning after I have returned from a life-impacting training on leadership, diversity, and violence prevention with the National Consortium for Academics and Sports (NCAS), Social Justice Education Institute. As I sit on my deck enjoying a cup of coffee and the peacefulness of the sunshine on my face, I scroll through my…
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The Fight Against Human Trafficking has to be Everywhere

There have been many horrific news stories that have been reported in the international press regarding human trafficking in the past few weeks. It is very important that we, as Americans, understand that human trafficking is also a huge problem in the United States.  While many victims in the US are poor or persecuted people…
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It’s an Issue of Human Rights and Dignity

Almost 10 years ago, while at the NCAA, I was integrally involved in the development and implementation of the NCAA’s policy precluding Native American mascots, nicknames and imagery at its championship events.  At the time, the policy created a firestorm of public and media attention with some pundits decrying the NCAA yet again for meddling,…
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Say You're Sorry or I'll Kill You

It was in the early 1950s in a quaint seaside town in Bermuda, a beautiful young couple, newly eloped was starting a life together. The idyllic setting, pink sandy beaches, glorious sunsets that stretched from each corner of the island and bathed the rocky cliffs in deep amber and purple lights promised a lifetime of…
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2013 College Sport Racial and Gender Report Card

The Institute for Diversity and Ethics (TIDES) in Sport released the 2013 College Sport Racial and Gender Report Card today (CSRGRC) and I had the privilege of co-writing this report with April Johnson, Erika Loomer, and Leslie Martinez. At a time when there is so much going on in college sport, the bad news in…
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MLB Racial and Gender Report Card

MLB reached a score of 91 for racial hiring practices up from 90.6  in 2012.  MLB improved its gender hiring practices with 77.6 points from 75.2 in 2012. Finally, MLB achieved a combined grade of a B/B+ with 84.3  points, up from the 2012 RGRC when it accumulated 82.9 points and received a combined grade…
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Keeping Score When It Counts: Analyzing the Academic Performance of the Sweet 16

“There is good news regarding academic success in general for both the men’s and women’s Sweet 16 teams.  The GSR and the APR rates of the teams are overwhelmingly high. As in the past, the women still do better than the men and the persistent gap between the graduation rates of white and African-­‐American student-­‐athletes…
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